I called all my favorite cooks to help and Dianne Bingham, Martha Riddle, Susan Sunderman, Mary Ann O’Leary and my husband all made homemade soup. Miss Alma Paris, Bernice Hunt, Bette Stiles, Pat Terry, Vicky Moodie and Linda Ray made desserts. Thank you to all our wonderful cooks and to those that helped with set-up and serving.
I sent out an email about the event and asked everyone to help spread the word. With only four days to plan the event, we estimated maybe 100 people would attend. We had over 150. It was an impressive community event.
For over an hour people shared stories of thanks. In an earlier post, I shared with you the stories of the city workers, our Volunteer Fire Department, Jan and Sy Quarles of Mr. BBQs, Patti’s and the IGA. They were all mentioned last night but I also learned about more people that need to be added to my list of thank yous.
Vulcan Materials donated the use of a generator and other equipment to the shelter. They also kept their hourly employees on the clock and sent them out into the community to clear driveways and assist with clean-up. Thank You Vulcan Materials.
Thank you also to Steve Proctor and the Methodist Church, Mark Gill and the Grand Rivers Baptist Church, Bill and Sara Minihan and the Badgett Playhouse, and thank you again to all the citizens of Grand Rivers that helped each other out.
It is time to move on now but I am keeping very warm memories of the ice storm of 2009.
Oooh what a spectacularly artistic photo!!
I know! It was suprising how many of my pictures from the storm were FAB. Maybe because the lovey and talented Mz. Laura K was behind the lens.
Care to strike a ski pose? LOL
hahahahA!!!! I have never laughed so hard. It is a shame those pics won't ever be seen! Will you send me copies?
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