Memorial Weekend brought crowds of people to Grand Rivers, Canal Campground reopened, and Grand Rivers and all of the holiday events received great press coverage in the region. In the last week, Grand Rivers and our businesses have been featured on WPSD-TV Channel 6 news, WCCK Radio Calvert, and WSRQ Radio Sarasota, FL as well as in the Paducah Sun, the Calvert Lake News, the Clarksville Leaf Chronicle the Henderson Gleaner, Heartland Boating Magazine, and Kentucky Monthly Magazine. Whew. Thank you Gerran Thomas, Greg Leif, Gid Pool, Shelley Byrnes, Loyd Ford, Maria McClure, Chuck Stinnett, Kate DeMay, and Steve Vest for all of the great coverage on Grand Rivers.
And there is MORE. So my news may not be professional publication news worthy, but at my house it is big. And believe me; it will get even bigger. I have done something that I told my husband I would never again do in my lifetime. I was firm in my statement when I made it. Then I saw these baby blues and all reason went out the window. It was love at first sight. We are now the proud parents of a new puppy. Please meet baby Riley (as in the life of). Riley is 12 weeks old and an impressive 34 pounds and 22 inches at the shoulder. It is big news and he is going to be a big boy. Just remember, you read it here first.